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Faculties, doctoral degrees and different paths to your doctorate

The University of Cologne is organised into six Faculties. Each of the six Faculties has its own doctoral regulations, its own doctoral committee and its own doctoral office.
All aspects of the doctoral procedure, from admission to the awarding of the title, are regulated in the doctoral regulations of the Faculties. Admission requirements are usually a very good Master's degree. Before you apply for admission as a doctoral candidate at the University of Cologne, you should read the relevant doctoral regulations carefully. You can find them on the websites of the doctoral offices:

The German doctorate is usually awarded at the University of Cologne. It is labelled with a suffix indicating the Faculty or subject group in which it was awarded, e.g. 'Dr. phil.' (for a doctorate at the Faculty of Philosophy) or 'Dr. rer. nat.' (for a doctorate at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences). A PhD can be obtained at some faculties.