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Luncheon with the new UoC Rector Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee, UoC Alumna and Ambassador of Germany to the UN H.E. Antje Leendertse, and NYC-based UoC Alumni  

May 23rd, 2024 | Doors open at 1:00 pm | Welcoming remarks at 1:30 pm | At the German House restaurant, 871 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017

On the occasion of the delegation visit by the University of Cologne’s new Rector Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee, we are looking forward to hosting an exclusive luncheon at the German House in Midtown Manhattan with him, UoC alumna H.E. Ambassador Antje Leendertse, Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations, and New York City based alumni of the University of Cologne, to meet and greet, re-connect, and network.

If you are an alumna or alumnus and would like to join us, please contact University of Cologne New York Office’s Executive Director Dr. Eva Bosbach at with your full name, connection to the UoC, and current affiliation.