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Jobs and Vocational Guidance

Jobs & More on the UoC Job Exchange

Via the job portal "stellenwerk", students an find jobs, traineeship and diploma projekts; graduates, their first positions. Compaines can seach for suitable applicants and also private offers may be places here.
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The UoC Professional Centre

The University´s study programm prepare graduates for excellent career opportunities on the employment market. The Professional Centre renders personal assistance to students in seizing these opportunities: through its Professional & Academic School and the Career Support Centre.
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Career Services of the faculties

Gateway ESC

The Gateway Excellence Start-up Center (ESC) at the University of Cologne supports the university in its Third Mission to make research results available to society and the economy. With a holistic approach, the Gateway ESC promotes start-ups from the university and a culture of entrepreneurial thinking and action. To this end, the Gateway ESC creates an infrastructure that helps students and academics to pursue start-up and transfer projects. With its free services, the Gateway ESC is therefore the contact point for people interested in founding a company and start-ups at the University of Cologne. It offers start-up coaching, funding advice, incubator places and an accelerator programme. In addition, the programme is strengthened by eight planned chairs with a connection to entrepreneurship in areas such as data science, as well as a wide range of cross-curricular courses and workshops.
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Female Career Program

The Female Career Program (FCp) supports women at UoC and other public sinstitutions of higher education in Cologne and vicinity. It assists female students in the various phase of study as well as in accessing emplyment and planning careers, both in the economy and in academia.
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Cologne Career Information Center (BIZ)

The Cologne Career Information Center organizes seminars, advises students and graduates in their choice of career and offers an overview of the current job market
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Graduate Schools & Doctoral Programs

The Albertus Magnus Center for Early Career Researchers (AMC) is the central contact for everyone interested in pursuing a doctorate as well as for all current doctoral candidates at the University of Cologne.
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